

Why thelittleloaf?
Nicknamed at the age of two by a great aunt who noticed that my appetite for bread was considerably bigger than I was, I’ve been a life-long fan of anything baked. While I always enjoyed eating bread, in 2011 I decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was and start trying to bake it as well. My then boyfriend (now fiancé), convinced me to start a blog to document my progress and thelittleloaf was born.

I’m Kate, age 28. Cooking, baking and sharing what I make with others makes me happy. I live London with my raging carnivore of a boyfriend fiancé husband, chief taste tester in thelittleloaf kitchen and the only person I know who can rival my egg consumption in any given week (mine go into cakes, his into six egg omelettes. Somebody help us).

thelittleloaf blog is collection of recipes made with good, honest ingredients, often accompanied by a hefty dose of nostalgia. Eating should be as much about the experience as a necessity and I believe that ingredients, location and love are three simple yet essential factors in the true enjoyment of any meal. Allow a small sense of occasion into every bite you take, bake a little love into everything you make and I promise you’ll taste the difference.

Favourite ingredients?
Chocolate, nuts (any), organic eggs, wholemeal flour, dark brown sugar and maple syrup for baking.
For general cooking, olive oil, garlic, lemon, dried pulses and fresh herbs are all must-haves.

Favourite foods?
Seafood, avocado on toast, crusty bread, pizza, leafy greens, ice cream, chocolate mousse, bloody steak. This list could go on forever but these are a few of my perennial favourites.

My Mum for her incredible skills in the kitchen and for teaching me so much of what I know. My Dad for his unlimited obsession with anything food, restaurant or recipe-related. Trips to our family home in Italy, where ingredients are second to none and talking about food is an everyday occurrence.

I own a small library of recipe books and subscribe to more blogs than I can begin to list here (for my favourites, click here). Some days all the talent out there can be a little overwhelming; most days its simply inspirational.

Tell me a secret?
I don’t like hot wet food, more specifically, hot and soggy. That means no biscuits dunked in tea, no gravy for me, custard in a separate jug and if you’re making beans on toast (hopefully homemade, not the nasty sweet stuff from a can), I’ll have that toast as a serving on the side please.

Isn’t bread and baking bad for me?
British baking has seen something of a renaissance over the last few years, but on the flip side of the coin is the rise in Atkins and Dukan-style diets, an increasing number of gluten intolerances and an overall wariness about refined sugar and carbohydrates.

While no one is going to lose a lot of weight on a diet high in cake and baked goods, the answer is, invariably, moderation. Making treats at home is a much better way of monitoring what you put in your body and a small amount of butter, sugar and flour is arguably less harmful than the high fructose syrups, stabilizing gums and other unrecognizable ingredients you see in so many packaged goods nowadays. I could rant talk for hours about this subject but to summarize my thoughts: if you’re going to eat bread or cake, in moderation or otherwise, far better to make it yourself than to buy it from a shop.

In summary
thelittleloaf blog is about baking memories to make you smile. I hope you enjoy reading my random ramblings, recipes and memories and are inspired to make some new ones of your own. Whatever catches your eye, hopefully this space will inspire you to roll up your sleeves, flour down those work surfaces and lose yourself for an hour or two . . .

You can contact me on Twitter, Facebook or email me at thelittleloaf@gmail.com.

81 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: Manson Restaurant Review | thelittleloaf

  2. just found your recipe for chocolate beetroot brownies…looks fabulous and might even get me back to baking!

    Its great to see a blog with such a good collection of recipes:)

  3. “my appetite for bread was considerably bigger than I was” hahaha. great blog (:

  4. Hey, I put you up for the “Versatile Blogger Award”! Hope you would like to participate! Check it out:

    Versatile Blogger Award

  5. Pingback: Food Bloggers Unplugged: thelittleloaf | thelittleloaf

  6. Hi fellow foodie, glad to see me? I’m sure glad I found you. And your awesome recipes. I’m going to make each and every one of them. Now. I mean, this week.

  7. Just stumbled upon your blog… I love the name! Your blog is very darling! I will be stopping by again and again!

  8. thePatternedPlate

    You know how much I admire your blog and your enthusiasm for your subject. 🙂 However, I would like to re-iterate the point by giving you a wee blogger to blogger award that i received from another blogger and happily, must pass forward. Love that idea…….congrats 😉


  9. I have nominated your delightful blog for the Liebster blog award. Check it out 🙂

    Liebster Blog Award – Thank you!

  10. Hi there! I’ve recently started following your blog, and I echo your love of bread and baking. Your food always looks amazing and I love reading your posts. I’ve decided to nominate you for the Versatile Blogger Award. http://curiouscuisiniere.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/versatile_blogger_award/

  11. Hi little loaf
    I absolutely love what you’re doing here so I’ve nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award. Keep up the fantastic work

    Kreative Blogger Award

  12. Hi, since I enjoy your site and blog posts, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    If you’d like to read and repost the award, here’s the link: http://bellaandwill.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/versatile-blogger-award/

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  13. Accidentally Domesticated

    Love your blog! I’ll be following! 😉

  14. saralelayec

    I really love your blog and recipes 🙂 thats why I wanted you to know I nominated you for the One lovely Blog and Versatile Blogger award! For further info please check my post : http://foodingrookie.wordpress.com/2012/07/23/one-lovely-blog-and-versatile-blogger-awards/ where I link you back 🙂
    Well deserved!

  15. Hello Little Loaf! I have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award – although scrolling down this page I can see that you have already had like 50 awards already haha. Just letting you know I’m a fan though 😛

  16. Great Blog, Beetroot brownies are the future.

  17. Angela Cammack

    Your recipes look wonderful, I have already printed out several of your bread ones and I am eager to try them soon. I know that you are located in the U.K., and though it is not too difficult to look up a conversion here and there I was wondering if it might be possible for you write the American measurements in parentheses as well. Either way, I intend to try out the baguette recipe next week!

  18. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please check out: http://thesinglegourmetandtraveller.wordpress.com/2012/10/13/very-inspiring-blogger-award/ for badge and info. I love your recipes and photos! Kay

  19. Your blog have inspired me and therefore I am passing the Inspiring Blog Award. Please visit http://cookingwithmamamiyuki.wordpress.com/2012/10/20/inspiring-blog-award/ to see the rules

  20. Pretty Happy Baking

    Hello 🙂 I’ve enjoyed your blog so much that I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award: http://prettyhappyblog.com/2012/11/26/liebster-award/ Apologies if you already have over 200 followers, but I couldn’t resist! 🙂 –Allie from Pretty Happy Baking

  21. Love your blog, great recipes, I will be following! Thank you.

  22. I have just quickly scanned through some of your recipes and became so excited that I couldn’t hit the follow button quick enough! Those magnums :O what are you doing to me!? 😛

  23. Wow! You have an incredible collection of amazing breads (and others). Following so I can take inspriation, and bake a wider variety myself. Great blog.

  24. Hi Thelittleloaf! You’ve got many wonderful recipes of sweets and breads, and I do like it!

  25. Pingback: Pear, walnut and stem ginger crumble - Big Hungry Gnomes : Big Hungry Gnomes

  26. I’ve nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogger Award, congratulations. To accept your award and see how to pass it on please checkout my post (http://cookingwithcorinna.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/super-sweet-blogging-award/).

  27. Love your blog just a little too much!

  28. Hi! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award because I like what I see! You can get all the info here: http://terriskitchenuk.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/one-lovely-blog-award/

  29. Very happy to have stumbled upon your blog, looks great! Can’t wait to keep seeing your recipes. Thanks.

  30. Nice blog! Here is another one guilty of being completely addicted to (savoury) baked products… 😛

  31. Love your blog! I love bread and everything baked too! Just started one myself!

  32. The background in the first picture reminds me a lot of Italy. Am I guessing right? 🙂

  33. Beautiful blog and mouthwatering photos, Kate! I was sold the moment my eyes met the Brown Butter Banana Bread Squares. Can’t wait to give them a try!


  34. Your blog is gorgeous! I’m happy I stumbled upon it this afternoon!

  35. Your blog is amazing, you make so many delicious things! I work in a bakery but have a bit of a fussy tummy when it comes to bread and I very easily over do it, I’m very jealous that you can east as much of it as you want!

  36. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your blog! I’ve started making bread myself, and am always very happy to find others who love food and bread as much as me:)

  37. Laurence

    I’ve been looking through your site and I have to hand it to you for the really fantastic recipes that you have put up. I particularly like the look of the Maple walnut banana bread with chocolate nibs as I’m a big fan of banana bread but the chocolate nibs are a new spin I hadn’t see before.

    Anyway, I work for a new website that’s just launching in the UK called Gourmandize, and I’m looking to get in touch with the very best food bloggers in the UK to see if they’d like to put their recipes up on our site, and therefore reach a wider audience. At the moment, as part of our launch, we are offering a free book of your recipes when you sign up and add them on the site. The more recipes you add, the more extravagant the book you will receive.

    If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to take a look at the site for yourself at http://www.gourmandize.co.uk

    In any case I would like to thank you for your time, happy baking!

  38. I love the name of your blog and I love your pictures they are so bright and clear.

  39. Hi Kate! I really like your blog! I’ve started baking breads at home recently and although sometimes I find it a bit too tiering, I love it! Haha I’m gonna read your blog regularly from now on 😉
    Have a lovely day,

    • Hi Parisa, thanks so much for stopping by and I’m so pleased you like the blog! Homemade bread is SO much better than shop bought – better flavour, better texture and better for your health – you can’t really go wrong! I hope you learn to love it and build it into your weekly routine as I have 🙂 x

  40. I totally agree, And this way I know nothing artificial is in bread I’m eating! ..can I ask you how did you learn to make your pictures look so professionals when you first started out? I’ve just started my blog and any tips would be helpful. Thanks so much! 🙂

  41. I have no award to give you as I have just started blogging- but I would like to say you have a lovely thing going on here- congratulations.
    I would love if you would take time out to read my new blog any help appreciated 🙂


  42. I saw your Strawberry and Pimm’s tarts with cucumber glaze in the Sunday Times Magazine yesterday, they looked delicious! Can’t wait to try them, and well done you for being rated one of the best bloggers in the UK! You’re absolutely worth it! 🙂

  43. Hi Kate, I’ve been really enjoying reading your blog and I’ve nominated you for an award 🙂 http://cakeykate.com/2013/08/18/a-day-of-firsts-awards-and-swiss-meringue-buttercream/

  44. You’re a great writer! Happy to have stumbled across your blog. It’s lovely. I’ll be back to read more.


  45. Paul kennington

    Whilst walking the dog one late evening I was doing my usual, daydreaming about food and recipes and being in a, friendly, competition with my cousin for doing the most mmmmmmmy dessert was pondering about a chocolate sponge with a minty fondant filling, so a quick google later stumbled upon your site, great site, keep up the good work. Baba

  46. Mary-Jane

    Just found you via vanilla bean blog. Lovely 🙂

  47. Hi Kate, I just came across your blog and am excited to read more. I’m looking forward to following your blog, viewing your photos and trying your recipes! Thanks for sharing!

  48. JG

    You need to update this section….he’s not your fiancé any more! 🙂

  49. Hi Kate, I’ve just discovered (and am now happily following) your blog, it’s gorgeous!! xx

  50. Can’t believe I haven’t come across your blog before – I love the pictures and recipes that I’ve seen so far, and looking forward to browsing through the rest with a big cup of tea!

  51. Hello little loaf – your blog appeared in my reader as a recommendation, I like the frangipane tart story and look forward to reading your blog, love the writing, Polianthus

  52. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Blog of the Year Award. I love reading your posts and recipes, and can’t wait to see what you will be making in 2014! 🙂

  53. Lovely Blog Little Loaf! I am a big bread fan too.

    I wondered whether you would be interested in having a hamper of our delicious yogurts to include in a recipe or two?

    I look forward to hearing from you and Happy New Year!

If you'd like to leave a comment or question, please do - I appreciate every one & will respond as soon as I can.