Peanut Butter & Jam(mie Dodgers)

peanut butter biscuits

Crisp peanut butter biscuits with a sticky strawberry jam centre

Peanut butter and jam. A classic combination of salty and sweet, crunchy and smooth, fruit and nut. A mixture which shouldn’t really work, but somehow really does.

peanut butter biscuits

Biscuits shaped like little buttons

Jammie Dodgers. An unmistakeably British biscuit traditionally baked with shortbread and raspberry filling, made all the better by substituting peanut butter and strawberry jam.

peanut butter biscuits

Splodgy peanut butter biscuits

Baking and sewing. Not two hobbies you’d immediately associate with each other, but the source of this inspired series of posts.

peanut butter biscuits

Not the neatest of buttons but absolutely delicious

Today I’m delighted to be guest blogging over on Laura’s lovely Craftstorming blog as part of her Sew Yummy series. To find out more and get the recipe for these Peanut Butter and Jam(mie) Dodgers, head over there now.
peanut butter biscuits

Sticky, slightly salty peanut butter & jam deliciousness



Filed under Recipes

22 responses to “Peanut Butter & Jam(mie Dodgers)

  1. Love the buttony look! And they look lovely and light too.

  2. Just love these – so cute [and no doubt delicious].

  3. Love these very cute button biscuits. Jamie dodgers with peanut butter is definitely one for the Glam Teens. GG

  4. SO CUTE. And right up my alley, as I eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch pretty much every day.

  5. These look soooo cute! Being from Australia, I’ve never even heard of Jammie dodgers before but hey, peanut butter and jelly – how could you go wrong! Recipe: Bookmarked! haha! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. Adorable! Look delicious, too.

  7. Could these be any cuter? They sound delicious too! Anything with peanut butter and jam is good in my book 🙂

    • Euan – they really are very light – crisp and delicious on the first day and slightly chewier if you leave them overnight.

      The Hungry Mum – definitely both 😉

      Glamorous Glutton – hope you enjoy making them as much as I did.

      Erin – wow, that’s PB&J dedication!

      Bubbly Baker – ooh, you have to try Jammie Dodgers – they’re a British classic!

      Michelle – thank you.

      Connie – me too 🙂

  8. Adorable! Love the combo of peanut butter and jelly.

  9. Buttons! gorgeous buttons. They look brilliant 🙂

  10. Lucy

    I love the button design. Fantastic.

  11. Amy

    What a great idea. The buttons are so cute and I, like you, definitely inherited the baking gene rather than the sewing gene. I have made jammy dodgers before but have always put the jam between the two layers after baking. I love your idea of baking the jam too, and quite fancy trying the PBJ combination, even though I have always been turned off by the idea of it in sandwich form – “crazy Amerucans!”. Thank you for introducing me to a new blog too – lots of creative inspiration.

  12. Amy

    I don’t usually like PB&Js and I don’t think I’ve had one for about at least 12 years. But these look SO delicious, and so cute to boot. Love them!

  13. The buttons are adorable, but I think I might have to try one to be convinced. Having said that I trust your judgement, so I’m sort of convinced :-S

  14. these are absolutely beautiful! I love the flavours and the little button design!

    • Sarah – it’s a classic for a reason!

      The Vagabond Baker – thank you.

      Lucy – thanks so much.

      Amy – I think I got the baking the jam in trick from Hugh F-W, although when I looked online I couldn’t find evidence of this! It definitely glues them together slightly better and makes for an all round more sticky middle.

      Amy – I never eat PB&J as a sandwich but in dessert form? I’m in.

      Choclette – I promise it works, even if there isn’t any chocolate in it! 🙂

      Jenny – thank you.

  15. I love the buttons! What a great idea!

  16. My Kitchen Stories

    Oh you make such beautiful things. Peanut butter and jam ( jelly) are a staple in some worlds,,, so there is no problem with the combination. I wish I had time to make theses….still I will pop over and have a look at your recipe

    • Silver Screenings – thank you!

      My Kitchen Stories – ah, you’re too kind 🙂 If you’re pushed for time, these would be just as delicious baked as normal biscuits without the buttonholes.

  17. eastofedencook

    Just adore your Jammie Dodgers! In a past lifetime I collected buttons and am still rather fond of the little pieces of history and fashion. A most scrumptious post!

  18. They are as cute as a button! (sorry… couldn’t help myself). I’ve just got to try this!

  19. Pingback: My Favourite Baking Blogs « Bakes Books & Binky

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