Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

Squidgy chocolate brownies packed with caramelized white chocolate

The simple magic of an oven will never cease to amaze me.

Subjected to its heat, pudgy rounds of dough become crusty loaves, liquid batter rises into golden-crowned cakes, pastry puffs, biscuits bake and incredible aromas escape around the edges of its door.

Normally baking requires some sort of skill, an understanding of the alchemy of ingredients and an ability to weigh, whisk, beat and blend. Butter, sugar and flour are combined, flavours and textures far greater than the sum of their parts created. Whether an amateur cook or a professional chef, it’s satisfying to know that baking is both a science and an art.

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

Each brownie is topped with a swirl of caramelized white chocolate

It’s rare to find a recipe which involves just one ingredient, an oven and an hour of your time. Meringues are easy but involve the techniques of both whisking and folding while something as simple baked fruit requires a little love in the form of sugar, butter and basting. Here I’m talking about a recipe involving a tray, some chocolate, a spatula and the power of an oven. It doesn’t get much more amazing than that.

Caramelized white chocolate is the current obsession of the baking world. By all accounts this is a second wave of interest: the idea has been around for several years, but like any trend has taken a little longer to turn itself into a universal obsession.

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

White chocolate roasted in the oven turns into a gorgeously golden caramel

The premise is this: take white chocolate, roast it in the oven and watch it transform into liquid gold. Hate white chocolate? You’ll love the golden, caramel notes of this version. Love white chocolate? An excuse, not that you needed one, to enjoy it spoon-by-liquid-spoonful. Scared of making caramel? You’ve got yourself a safe alternative. Obsessed with making caramel? Another string to your sugary bow.

I jumped on the bandwagon and caramelized a batch of white chocolate last weekend, watching anxiously as the chunks browned, seized, crumbled then finally melted into a pool of peanut butter-coloured gloop. Not a million miles from caramel or melted chocolate but at once unique in texture and flavour, several spoonfuls made it into my mouth before I even began to consider using it for anything other than eating neat.

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

Adapted from an Annie Bell recipe, these brownies are wonderfully fudgey

The result is these brownies. Filled and topped with caramelized white chocolate, they’re an indulgent treat for anyone with the sweetest of teeth, tasting of toffee, caramel and golden-baked biscuit. The taste is not dissimilar to these dulce de leche brownies, but the texture is firm and fudgy. A little less cloying than white chocolate chunks, a little less obvious than oozing caramel.

If you try one new recipe this week, make the caramelized white chocolate. It’s delicious, it’s different and it involves very little skill, just one ingredient and an hour of your time. If you try two new recipes, make these brownies. They’re everything that’s good about baking, the joy of alchemy and the amazing transformation of ingredients in an oven.

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

Brownies – perfect for sharing (or not)

Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies
(makes about 12 large brownies)

I used David Lebovitz’s recipe for caramelized white chocolate. The basics are below, but if you want more detailed instructions, do have a read of his original recipe.


For the caramelized white chocolate
250g good quality white chocolate, broken into pieces (I used Green & Blacks)
Good pinch sea salt

For the brownies
300g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped
180g lightly salted butter, diced
180g light muscovado sugar
4 medium free range eggs plus one yolk
115g ground almonds
100g plain white flour
15g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp milk
One quantity caramelized white chocolate (see above)


For the caramelized white chocolate
Preheat the oven to 125 degrees C. Put the chocolate on a rimmed baking sheet and place in the oven for ten minutes.

Remove the chocolate from the oven and spread thinly over the baking sheet with a clean, dry spatula. Return to the oven for another ten minutes. Repeat the process of spreading and stirring every ten minutes for about fifty minutes. At some points the chocolate may look lumpy, dry and chalky – don’t worry, as it continues to cook it will smooth out into a thick, chocolate caramel.

Once the chocolate is a deep, golden brown, remove from the oven and stir through the sea salt. Pour it into a container until ready to use. You can store the caramelized white chocolate for several months – it will harden, but you can melt it again in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water.

For the brownies
Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C. Grease and line the base of a 23cm square brownie tin with baking parchment.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl suspended over a bowl of water. Set aside to cool slightly then whisk in the sugar.

Beat the eggs and extra yolk into the chocolate mixture, one at a time, beating continuously until thick and glossy. Gently fold in the ground almonds then sift in the flour, cocoa and baking powder and fold to combine. Stir in the milk.

Scrape half the batter into your prepared tin. Drizzle over half of the caramelized chocolate then top with the remaining brownie batter. Drizzle the remaining caramelized white chocolate over the top then drag a skewer diagonally across the top both ways to create a lattice pattern.

Bake for 25 minutes or until set but still slightly squidgy then remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting and enjoying.


Filed under Recipes

80 responses to “Caramelized White Chocolate Brownies

  1. Ang

    I tried to caramelize white choc last week and had a disaster. The whole batch siezed and nothing I did would turn it into the glossy, smooth delight that I have seen. It could have been the choc that I used so I will try again. Your brownies look fab and I just know they would taste good.

    • Oh what a shame! I’ve heard that you can blend it with a little oil if that happens, although imagine it might taste slightly greasy. Maybe try again with a super low oven temperature?

  2. Oh wow, these sound divine! I’ve heard about roasting white chocolate before and I’ve wanted to try it since. Now I definitely will have to.

  3. more deliciousness from a delicious blog! i better get onto the caramelised white chocolate bandwagon soon!

  4. These look incredible! I must try caramelising some white chocolate, sounds like it would taste amazing!

    FoodNerd x

  5. These look amazing – I really need to get my hands on some white chocolate and start caramelizing some, so intrigued by the flavour.

    And I totally agree on the amazement that is the baking process – just yesterday I was discussing with my dad (another avid homebaker) how incredible it is that dependingon how you combine eggs, flour, butter & sugar (and in what ratios), you can get totally different results. Amazing.

  6. Nino Cinghiale

    Tentazioni irresistibili! Non sei un panino, invece un diavolino!

  7. As soon as I read the title my eyes widened and my mouth might have dropped open a little. These look so dreamy. I could definitely do with one for my 11am coffee break. I’m so in love with caramelised white chocolate.

  8. My Kitchen Stories

    Trust you to come up with this. I am going to make it because you’ve made it look so good

  9. I made a batch a few days ago and couldn´t think of anything else. Then I made some custards with it and can´t wait to try every recipe I ever imagined with caramel or dulce de leche. I´m absolutely obsessed. These brownies look everything I thought they should if I mixed them with the white chocolate! Wonderful recipe Kate!

  10. Just wow! My housemate made some white chocolate brownies a few weeks ago and they were amazing – I may make her these as a thank you! Gemma

  11. I love brownies and I’ve tried many different recipes but I’ll definitely be trying this one next. It has everything I love about a good brownie – rich, dense and two types of chocolate.

  12. Yes! I’ve been reading a lot of caramelized white chocolate recipes lately and have been planning a caramelized white chocolate experiment. I will use your method.

  13. Since when is caramelised white chocolate a thing?! I’ve never heard of it before but now I can’t wait to try it!

  14. I think a technique like this would cure anyone of not liking white chocolate. I have to do this.

  15. Love how you have wrapped these individually. They look very tasty!

  16. Oh my, these look just delicious. I’m already dreaming up ways, besides a spoon, to get that chocolate into my mouth! Thanks!

  17. That combination of creamy caramel goodness from the white chocolate and the rich fudgey brownie sounds amazing. I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop thinking about these brownies!

  18. I’m going to try roasting some, you’ve inspired me. The brownies look incredibly delicious, thanks for the recipe.

  19. I have heard so much about caramelised white chocolate I just have to try it out and these brownies must taste divine with that caramel mixed through them. Such an amazing discovery 🙂

  20. These sound wonderful, I have to try out the caramelised white chocolate, especially as all the Glams are mad about white chocolate and I see a whole new worl of goodies opening up. Thank you. GG

  21. Erinn @

    Those are so pretty! Love the way you wrapped them!

  22. Beth

    I love that these actually look like how I imagine brownies should be, i.e. dense and fudgy but actually cooked, and not still looking like raw batter! Cannot wait to try these out! (Unfortunately they will have to wait as a certain member of my family has determinedly given up chocolate for Lent and I think it would be cruel to taunt them…)

  23. Joy

    These look amazing & I’ll be trying the caramelised white chocolate very soon!

  24. I’m pretty sure that I would love caramelized white chocolate. I’ll have try making it soon 🙂 The brownies look fantastic!

  25. wowee! Those look suitably naughty – they look great 😀

  26. Amy

    Haha as you know, I’m not that much of a fan of white chocolate, at all. But I do love caramelized flavors of just about everything, so this white chocolate roasted in the oven looks seriously great. Crazy how that works. And these brownies look so good! I love anything swirled into brownies. 🙂

  27. Those brownies look amazing! Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  28. I’ve never even HEARD of caramelized white chocolate so I feel like I’ve been missing out on some secret treasure in a serious way. These brownies need to happen in my life!

  29. I wanted to try out caramelising white choco last weekend but I made something else that didn’t need it. I don’t have a good history white chocolate, it always messes up and goes hard and runny at the same time! Your brownies look amazing – love the wrappers but that implies you’d share them?!

  30. underthebluegumtree

    Another food trend I’m yet to try. I was late to the party with speculoos, brown butter and now caramelised white chocolate 🙂 Those brownies look gorgeous and I’m definitely going to have to give them a go.

  31. Any

    Both you and Emma from Poires au Chocolat in one week! Two of my favourite food blogs. I will have have to try it. I am thinking ice cream…!

  32. Fi

    Oops – my name came up as ‘any’! Not sure how I managed that! Maybe I need one of those divine brownies now to up my blood sugar! Ha ha! Any excuse!

  33. Carameliziing white chocolate? I haven’t come across this so far. It sounds delicious – and the brownies sound amazing.

  34. Oh yum! Send some this way…..?? 😉

  35. I just nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blog Award! Award details are available on my blog: Enjoy! x

  36. Those are BIG brownies. But with that delicious swirl, I’m sure I’d have no problem eating my way through one in a single serving :).

  37. Oh, yum! The caramelized white chocolate sounds so good in these brownies!

  38. I seem to have missed the caramelised white chocolate trend but these brownies have definitely inspired me to have a go. Yum! 🙂

  39. Pingback: Stop what you’re doing and look at this | Kerry Cooks

  40. I guess I am from another planet: I had never heard of caramelized white chocolate and am now of course intrigued…

  41. oh wow these look amazing! and caramelised white chocolate- YUM! x

  42. wow, these look and sound so decadent! i need some caramelized white chocolate in my life i think!

  43. Pingback: Naturally Sweetened Sesame Tahini Granola | thelittleloaf

  44. Oh my goodness. I am normally not a big fan of white chocolate, but this just looks incredible!

  45. Reblogged this on iloafyou and commented:
    such a good recipe!

  46. I’m already in love with these brownies (and I’m not even a white chocolate fan!). Maybe it’s time to jump on the caramelized white chocolate bandwagon!

  47. …okay holy crap. That looks amazing. And ridiculously decadent. And just mad science-y enough that I might try it.

  48. That wrapping is so cute! I love bakers twine, I can’t get enough of it.

  49. Ok, these sound amazing. And as someone who isn’t a fan of white chocolate I am seriously intrigued!

  50. Oh, I remember reading about this a few years ago and thinking I should try it, then promptly forgot. Oh for a better brain than mine. It sounds just too good to miss. The brownies look superb – bookmarked.

  51. I somehow have missed the caramelized white chocolate trend. I must look into this! 🙂

  52. My mouth is watering just reading this post. Now, I am also a little in the dark about caramelised white chocolate… methinks I’ll have to do some research. In the meantime… I can make these beauties!

  53. Pingback: Caramelised White Chocolate and Banana Mousse with Coffee Shortbread | Under the Blue Gum tree

  54. Pingback: Caramelized White Chocolate Cookies | Err on the side of Delicious

  55. Pingback: Caramelized White Chocolate & Cherry Biscotti | thelittleloaf

  56. brownies look delicious I have also made the brownies at

  57. Natalie

    Oh no! I got so excited that I bought compund chocolate instead! Will this roast at all?

    • Hmmm…to be honest I’m not sure. I know that this works best with good quality white chocolate but maybe give it a go and see what happens? Sorry I can’t be of more help!

  58. Natalie

    I’ve tried this brownie three times now but each time it is severely underdone in the middle. I baked it at 170 for 40 minutes last time and it was still underdone 😦 This time it is underdone in the middle, yet burnt on top. Any ideas on where I could be going wrong? It isn’t the cheapest brownie to make so I’ve been quite upset every time it hasn’t worked! Worse yet, I’m baking the brownie for a fundraiser so each time it doesn’t work that’s more money down the drain.

    • Hi Natalie, I’m so sorry these haven’t worked for you. It might be worth checking your oven temperature to make sure it’s as close to 170 degrees C as possible…also check pan size as if using a smaller pan the batter will be thicker and take longer to bake. Please do drop me an email if you’re still having problems. Kate x

  59. Pingback: Baked Blackberry, Blueberry & Coconut Crunch Oatmeal | thelittleloaf

  60. Liz

    These are incredible! I made a batch a little while back and I’ve just made a post on my blog about it, thanks so much for sharing the recipe 🙂

  61. Pingback: Whipped Caramelized White Chocolate Ganache | Keep It Sweet Desserts

  62. Pingback: Best of 2013 | thelittleloaf | thelittleloaf

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